Are you ready for the final challenge? This is the shortest of the four
chapters, being almost half the length of the third chapter (which was
considerably less then the first two), but is also the hardest. You'll have
quite a few boss fights ahead of you for such a small chapter, and this is your
last chance to get your final equipment and experience for the final battle.
You start off in the castle. Talk to Aarin and Lord Nasher to learn more
about what's happening and what you need to do. You don't get to pick a henchman
this time, so whichever one you chose in act three will be the one you take to
the final challenge.
Head downstairs to the jail, and talk to Haedraline to learn more about the
source stone and what you must do now. Head deeper into the caverns if you want
and visit the source stone, but there is nothing you can do here just yet. Go
out into the city core area and you can collect two quests. (I highly recommend
you do them because they give great amounts of experience and you'll need all
you can get before heading for the final fight.)
Learn about what's going on, and talk to the commander to learn about what
you'll have to do and get a new quest. Head into the war zone, and in the first
section make sure you search all the houses for items and experience you can
get, and you can also find the lost girl for one of the quests, and you can
destroy the catapults and the golems to complete the other quest. To kill the
golems you have to kill the wizards that control them. They're easy to find;
just look for the magic glowing field in front of a door.
After you destroy the catapults, rescue the girl, and kill the two golems
you now have to head through one of the buildings to the back (you can see which
one it is by looking for the small courtyard you can't get to any other way) and
you'll fight an easy mini boss. A portal will now pop open and you can enter
Maugrim's chamber.
As soon as you enter this place you will find Aribeth. Talk to her and she
will eventually attack you. Read above for information on how to possibly
further the plot of the game if you did a few things earlier to set it up, and
are willing to be nice to Aribeth.
- Boss Fight: Aribeth
- Once you beat her down enough she will give up, and if you can talk her into
returning back to the castle you'll gain experience. If you kill her you get a
paladin only sword that is only usable by neutral evil paladins (which obviously
this game has no way to create as a character, unless you decide to become
REALLY mean as a paladin, thus losing your paladin status, and somehow figure
out how to go from lawful to neutral). It's of course possible to get her to
face judgment much quicker (after the fight, if you DON'T kill her) if you have
a ring that she may have given you if you were kind enough to give her a
shoulder to cry on earlier in the game (before your trip to Luskan, but in
chapter 2). More
information pending as I get more detailed information. Thanks to Mitchell Hein
who pointed this out.
- Now save and head into the next hallway to find...
- Boss Fight: Maugrim Korothir
- This guy is a bit tougher, as he can cast time freeze, freezing everything
but him and his spells. He has the usual wizard spells and shield, so just keep
at it and he will fall. Now head into his back room collecting the treasure and
the final word of power! Head back to town and finish up the two quests if you
chose to do them, then head down to the cell and talk to Haedraline again to get
2000 experience and a bit more information. Now place the final Word of power on
the pedestal and enter the source stone. This place is pretty simple; a "copy"
of Aribeth named "Asheera" from another prime material plane (play D&D for a
while and you'll understand that ;) will give you an amulet (with minimum level
requirement 24!!!). Head through the cave till you reach the end. SAVE BEFORE
ENTERING - as soon as you enter you'll be attacked by...
- Boss Fight: Corrupted Silver Dragon & Corrupted Copper Dragon
- If you thought fighting one dragon at a time was tough, well here's two.
They do the normal amount of dragon damage, as well as knockdowns, with their
own immunities. This is a very tough battle and keep your attacks focused on one
at a time, use the recall stone and you'll be able to get past them. Now take
the key from each of them and head down the hallway. Take note this is the POINT
OF NO RETURN. You CANNOT use your stone of recall in there, and you can't go
back out. Make sure you have everything you need for a very tough fight. When
you are finally ready head into the cave, where you'll witness a bunch of old
ones talking to an illusion of Morag. After they are done talking they will
- Boss Fight: Old one Cleric and 5 of Morag's chosen ones.
- Again an extremely hard fight, especially since you cannot rest in here, so
you'll want to save your spells if you are a mage (so you can use them on
Morag). You must kill the cleric first because if you don't he will just
resurrect the chosen ones when you kill them. They are all equally hard, double
hitting, but luckily won't knock you down. Watch out for the cleric's offensive
spells, as well as healing himself. Since you cannot use the stone of recall I
suggest trying to wait in the doorway and pray the cleric gets there first, so
you only have to fight one at a time. Get the key off of the cleric and head to
the next room to meet your final challenge.
- Boss Fight: Morag
- The final boss, and she lives up to her name of the reaper of souls the
tormenter of the world, and if you can't beat her, then your world and many
others are doomed! This old girl is very difficult; first you have to destroy
the statue in front of her to get rid of the spikes (thanks to Vhalyar). She
will also cast the time freeze spell, which can get really annoying; I hope you
have a lot of healing potions. After you kill her arms and the statue and you
get closer to her, she is completely invulnerable to every kind of attack you
can dish out! To get rid of this you'll have to destroy the protection spheres
surrounding her, depending on your main attack. I suggest you only defeat the
one you really need to because at this point it will transform itself into a
warrior mage (Tenser's Transformation?) and start to attack with melee as well
as magic. Once you destroy whichever alters you can finally damage Morag. Of
course she has the usual mage's shielding, but after that is done with you
should be able to take her 1 on 1 if you have some healing potions left.
Congratulations! You just beat the most innovative RPG made this year!
(according to critics) Now exit through the portal and talk to Haedraline for
some final words, and enjoy (if that’s possible) the very short ending.